Thursday, August 28

I read the book.. well, I listened to the book I've Never Been to Vegas, but My Luggage Has: Mishaps and Miracles on the Road to Happily Ever After on Audible. The author, Mandy Hale, is more commonly known as The Single Woman… and in the book she recounts colorful, often ridiculous, stories from her life. 

I really like the overall theme of the book - that God has a plan. However, Mandy Hale speaks of a God that I tend to question. For instance, Mandy speaks of childhood dreams - kissing Donnie Wahlberg and meeting Oprah. When these dreams came to fruition, Mandy gave all the credit to God. I see God differently than that… does God really give us the desires of our heart to show his love at times? 

I've always based my opinions in the belief that if we have ridiculous dreams like that, instead of fulfilling them, God changes them. Yet, of course, whenever I think I understand God, He reminds me that I don't know everything.

For example, a few years ago I was on a mission trip in Alabama. We met a very eccentric guy on the trip, Jason. Jason believes in a God who involves Himself in every single aspect of our lives. If you don't know where to go to dinner, pray about it. I thought this was a little over the top.. and although I could see Christ's love radiating from Jason, I questioned. That week my allergies attacked me in full force. We ran to Walmart and I stood, staring at rows of pill bottles as my head swam with congestion. How on earth do I decide between allergy medications? I really want something that will work.. does it really matter which one I get? Wait. If I was Jason, I would pray about it. I half-heartedly prayed about which medication I should purchase… and the next thing I knew, a lady walked into the aisle with a huge coupon book. 

"I have a coupon for Zyrtec if you'd like it" -she announced.

Earlier this year, a couple got engaged… and as is typical for ACs, the engagement story was pretty radical. Heh. The girl spoke enthusiastically as she described how many times the guy's name had appeared throughout her day. Because his name kept popping up, she knew that he was the one. 

It doesn't help that I'm cynical and sarcastic to begin with :) …. but engagement stories like this make me cringe. If you have a proposal from a guy, of course you're going to notice whenever you hear that name! So, I again mocked that God could work in such a manner. The next day, I heard the name of a guy (Titus*) I liked repeatedly. The next day in church, during the morning service I wondered in the minister would mention Titus. Well, the name isn't in the Bible much so I doubt he'll read about it. He didn't. But when I was completely unaware during afternoon service, I looked over at the book my resident was reading. 

Chapter 5: Titus

And, recently I read the book by The Single Woman. I again doubted the ways that God can work. I'm sure that God can touch our lives in small ways every day to remind us of His love. But, I know that I have faith so I don't really need any radical signs. However, I would like to meet a famous person.. so that'd be great if I could meet a famous person.

Sunday evening I was on duty so I walked down to the barn to pray on the step. I sat down and looked up and there sat a praying mantis staring at me… all prepared for the prayer meeting. 

Tuesday afternoon, I checked Twitter to see that Mike Donehey was going to be at Sweetwater playing a free acoustic show. We decided that as alternative houseparents this was a perfect way to use our time wisely… and so we went. We missed the show but got to meet Mike Donehey. 

I guess my point in all of this is that we cannot limit the ways that God can work. We don't need dramatic displays of rainbows and miraculous miracles.. but beware when you challenge Him. Because no matter how He is working, He is STILL working. 

Mysterious Ways..

Thursday, March 6

Eating -> kale, romaine, spinach w/ tomato, parmesan, olive oil, apple cider vinegar
Listening to -> Bastille's Bad Blood, especially the song Pompeii on repeat!

melting snow | sriracha | the combination of denim & tulle | peppercorn grinders | cilantro | grilling in near freezing weather | ruffles

tilt, march 6

Sunday, October 27

Every so often it hits me... I went to Africa. Africa! It's crazy how quickly dreams and lofty planning turned into reality. I feel like I couldn't soak it all in. Of course, certain parts of it failed to meet expectations and I complained a lot more than I should have. But........

The vehicles were crowded...... and the van trips long! Picture being stuffed in the back of a van (the very back seat) for 13 hours! Thankfully, I was able to sleep some.. awakening only to stuff back luggage that tumbled down onto me. But, I have to mention that Janessa and I were the only ones who survived the back seat, without complaint, for 13 hours!

But, the people were beautiful... and they treated us like celebrities. So many of them wanting to be photographed with us. So many adorable kids... and they play soccer :)

And the animals crazy! I love elephants - and got to see tons. We also got to see a lion in the wild! This was amazing because when we began the safari, they told us there weren't any lions.

At the end of the day.... it was Africa. And, I learned a lot. Some of it took quite awhile to sink in... that's what happens when you don't prepare yourself enough ahead of time I think. But I feel so blessed to have been able to experience the adventure.

This time for Africa!

Listen to with headphones...

Tuesday, October 15

The real life Ken Doll, interesting! And sad how focused he is on the outward appearance.

My friend contributes to this blog featuring some of the best places in Jacksonville!

tidbits, oct 16

Tuesday, July 23

1 year. 
5 residents moved on
-1 pregnant. 
-1 locked up in boy's school. 
-1 always questionable. 
-1 master manipulator. 
-1 seemingly doing well....

And, then I was reminded yesterday that:  "But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully." (2 Corinthians 9:6)

Sometimes I get frustrated that I don't see changes happening after investing so much into someone. But, how much am I investing? 

A resident was supposed to be released in May, but instead he stayed here until last week (July). And, suddenly it hit me. How many relevant conversations did I have with him in those 2 months? I was given 2 extra months with him.. and I barely used those months at all! 

We can get frustrated because we feel like we pour out so much... but how much are we really sowing? I've invested in the lives of 5 residents who have all now moved on. And, I can get discouraged because out of all the seeds the Gateway team sowed, nothing seems to be growing. But to reap bountifully, we must sow bountifully. 

I think we expect to get as much as we give, which is legitimate according to this verse, but sometimes we (I) overestimate how much is being given. In my own life, I was raised in  Christian home with truth surrounding me... so many seeds sown.. and it still took me 20 years to make a profession of faith. I forget that. I forget that and expect residents to be at that same place after 5-9 months of hearing the truth. 

I guess hearing this verse was just a reminder to me that I need to invest more, and invest more freely. Just as my own mom spent (and spends:) so many hours praying for my  life, I need to pray for the lives of the residents. Because if I care enough for these residents that I'm brought to tears for the future of the souls, there's another promise: "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy" (Psalm 126:5)

Invest freely.. because so much has been invested in you. 

After 365 days...