Sunday, May 15

silhouettes and skylines

A compiled collection of photos from my years at Purdue.. mostly stolen from Facebook with little thought put into the project :) ... Pretty much, I just like the song (Tangled Web by Matt Hires) and wanted to put a slideshow with it.... so although the music doesn't exactly relate to the photos.....

(I finally got the video to upload... not in great quality)


Daveana said...

So I can't watch your private video...

Daveana said...

Loved the video and really loved the song!

Anonymous said...

Gah! I love that song.....maybe a new artist I will need to check out.

Annnd your video oddly made me kind of sad......oh college. How I loved thee. :)

kvosburgh said...


Ashton said...

Sarena!....sad...yeah, sad. We need to meet up for coffee soon. K? I loved this movie and the song you chose was perfect. I hope Alabama was an awesome trip.

Kaitlin said...

Hey that last comment was from Kaitlin...not Ashton! :)