1 year.
5 residents moved on.
-1 pregnant.
-1 locked up in boy's school.
-1 always questionable.
-1 master manipulator.
-1 seemingly doing well....
And, then I was reminded yesterday that: "But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully." (2 Corinthians 9:6)
Sometimes I get frustrated that I don't see changes happening after investing so much into someone. But, how much am I investing?
A resident was supposed to be released in May, but instead he stayed here until last week (July). And, suddenly it hit me. How many relevant conversations did I have with him in those 2 months? I was given 2 extra months with him.. and I barely used those months at all!
We can get frustrated because we feel like we pour out so much... but how much are we really sowing? I've invested in the lives of 5 residents who have all now moved on. And, I can get discouraged because out of all the seeds the Gateway team sowed, nothing seems to be growing. But to reap bountifully, we must sow bountifully.
I think we expect to get as much as we give, which is legitimate according to this verse, but sometimes we (I) overestimate how much is being given. In my own life, I was raised in Christian home with truth surrounding me... so many seeds sown.. and it still took me 20 years to make a profession of faith. I forget that. I forget that and expect residents to be at that same place after 5-9 months of hearing the truth.
I guess hearing this verse was just a reminder to me that I need to invest more, and invest more freely. Just as my own mom spent (and spends:) so many hours praying for my life, I need to pray for the lives of the residents. Because if I care enough for these residents that I'm brought to tears for the future of the souls, there's another promise: "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy" (Psalm 126:5)
Invest freely.. because so much has been invested in you.
So true! You should blog more:)
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