I somehow feel like I should be sleeping or studying as I'm one of the unlucky Purdue students who got stuck with... dun dun dun... a Saturday exam, better yet, an exam at eight in the morning on Saturday! But instead, here I am.
I feel like the semester was very typical.. I started off with great intentions of studying for hours. Of course, I'm ending the semester struggling for comebacks :) I think my favorite part of the semester was Study Club. It all started one night when Kaitlin, Janessa, and I decided to go to Hicks one Friday night after Praise Singing to study. Sam and Grant showed up later, and Garrison for awhile as well... and the tradition was born! We started meeting Thursday nights after Praise Singings... staying some nights way later than people with morning exams should. And I'm not really sure how much of Study Club was actually studying....
Kaitlin created a motto: "Study for kicks, come to hicks"
and Sam added: "Everyone's invited, but not everyone knows"
However, we soon had some new members as Daveana, Andrew, Brent, Tyler, Jay, Heidi, Randy, and Kyle joined us some nights. I'd have to say some members were more faithful than others. . . its a shame to say that some of the pre-metioned only showed up once. But if you looked closely on dark Thursday nights, you might've caught a glimpse of a group of us.. lugging our coffee mugs towards Hicks..
Yesterday (Thursday) was our last Study Club of the semester. We started off in the Union but switched to Hicks when it closed... after studying for hours and hours and.... well... Sam, Kyle, Kaitlin, and I left to walk back to Marstellar and were greeted with lots of slush and rain... but also, amazingly beautiful frozen branches. The world had been transformed. It was if we were slushing home through a mystical Narnian land...
I'd say it was the perfect end to this semester's study club!
Until next semester.
Sincerely Yours,
the Viceroy
Alas, no more study club for me! :(
OH! you can still come, peasant.. head of the peasants....
I really liked this post Sarena! kinda pulled at my heart strings a little. :) I'm excited for more of this next semester.
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