Sunday, April 12

odds and ends

  • I've actually been studying some, and maybe, just maybe making a grade comeback!
  • This weekend is college weekend.. I've heard rumors that we're taking the White Cloud. I'm guessing the trip will seem surprisingly short compared to going to Mexico and back.
  • I'm planning on taking two summer courses, a May-mester. It will be my first experience with summer school.
  • Although green will always be my favorite color.. I really like the color purple lately.. if that isn't somewhat obvious already.
  • Katelyn, Janessa, and I might go to Boston this summer.
  • Tomorrow (April 13th) marks six months since I surrendered my life to Christ (became a Christian).
  • Sometimes I'm pretty sure its not all surrendered! :)
  • Dr. Strangelove is my newest favorite coffee drink.. although I've been trying not to have caffeine. I think it might mess me up.. and/or I've been trying to be somewhat less dependent on boosters for my irregular sleeping patterns. Yet it's so delicious....
  • Friday is Glory Night. I may be planning on performing...
  • I finally declared my major last week. Communications. And the name of my new advisor?.... Lupita, el nombre de mi amiga favorita en Mexico! :)
  • I really never feel like I have much to blog about
  • I'm very sick of the rain.
  • In May, I will have served people in a bow tie for 2 years at the Trails Banquet Facility.
  • This Tuesday, we're supposed to have a softball game for invite-a-friend. I'm sure it will be grand although I wish I was more of a Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, or Mickey Mantle. I'm pretty positive bench warming my sophomore year of high school did little to improve my homerun-hitting skills!
  • I still haven't finished reading Mere Christianity. . so good, but so much to take in.
  • Holy One by Rush of Fools..
  • Happy Easter!
  • I went to the library this past week and remembered why I don't like series.. they never have the first book in the series or the second.. or the fifth. Luckily, most authors write about the same storyline in every book.. so usually you won't get too lost if you read the books out of order :)
  • I'm ready for sunny days.
Kinzie and Me
accurately describes our feelings for work at The Trails!


Daveana said...

Boston! fun fun

Christen Leigh said...

haha this was a fun list! Don't worry, I possess no Sammy Sosa softball skills myself...... we will probably end up rollerskating anyways! I hope you are having fun @ study club! :)