Sunday, May 3


Surprisingly, Elliott Hall of Music tends to occasionally leave doors unlocked! A few of us went exploring Purdue Campus to discover some great adventure spots. Down under the stage we found old theater seats and creepy, murder-movie looking storage rooms. The dressing rooms are amazing with hundreds of lights and mirrors - I really want to go back with a camera better than the one on my phone! They had a large practice room with instruments left in it.. they must really trust wandering Purdue students. We also found the Rehearsal Room for the Purdue Glee Club. It is fully equipped with microphones, a grand piano, and a drum set.... you can about imagine what happened.... Sadly, we could not find the way leading to the stage.. crushing our dreams of pretending to be famous for a moment. But I have to say that this past year, I have visited some pretty interesting, out-of-the-way places on campus... some so classified, I do not think I have the liberty to mention them on a public blog! However, I think I would make a decent unofficial tour guide of Purdue....although... I do not plan on walking backwards much :)