So far, I've accomplished many of the things I said I wanted to do at the ending of last semester!
[May] I went to a Cubs game.
[May] Went to Jacksonville, Florida to visit Amanda Todd (and met Philip Craig!!).
[June] Went to Chicago & another Cubs game (saw Charlie for first time in 3 yrs)
[June] Made it through 2 speeches (Com 314) without running away :)
[June] Working on being more cultured by reading (classics?) such as Hemingway and making it through a long list of movies as I'm sick of hearing, "WHAT? YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THAT!" - not that what movies you've watched makes you important, but.. so much free time in summer anyways...
However, the list is still long..
I have yet to:
Make Sushi
Read all of Mere Christianity (maybe more worth than Hemingway)
Go to another Cubs game...haha
Spend hrs upon hrs at Greyhouse (believe it or not, haven't been there much)
Buy a laptop (after 4 years of college, maybe should get one now....)
Gain the most sun possible in my skin
Finish Com 314 (July 30!!)
Actually get into the habit of daily exercise
Well, if you need help making sushi, spending hours at Greyhouse, or gaining lots of sun, I'm here!! :)
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