Years ago at the farm progress show (noticed the rhyme.. ha), we heard a southern family play some gospel with (roots dipped in bluegrass). This past Christmas Janessa was looking up Christmas music on Youtube when we came across the family. It was cool to see how'd they'd grown and changed as a group.. so I looked them up on Google, Facebook, etc too... and then, of course, using Twitter, I tweeted the one son Emmett about how'd we heard them years ago.. stumbled across them again.. yada yada yada....
He tweeted back... and I pretended he was more of a celebrity so I felt cool getting the Tweet... but then, the next day there was some clean wash on my bed, and one of the items was a shirt with "Got Emmett?"
WHAT! I knew it wasn't from Emmett Franz... but the timing was hilarious! Mom and Janessa had no clue where the shirt had came from... so I asked Luke.. he didn't know either. I assumed one of Luke's friends had left the shirt... and by random coincidence the timing had been hilarious!!
Fast forward a few weeks... I'm sitting talking to my dad as he's heading out the door to work... as he walks by, hes like "Got Emmett? Hey, that's my shirt"
A new guy started working at Caterpillar named Emmett (not the family band Emmett:) ... and he wasn't fitting in the group and feeling out of place. So the team he worked with all decided to get "Got Emmett?" shirts and wear them to work on the same day! Thus, the reason my dad had the shirt and the reason it ended up in my room!
Ah.. hahaha... so funny how the timing played out... well, I'm off to listen to bluegrass... :)
I checked out some of their stuff back at Christmas time and I really like them. The shirt story is pretty funny! Love that it was your dad's!
ahhhh! i love those moments.
not that they ever happen to me...but i like hearing about everyone else's crazy moments.
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