Tuesday, November 29


I've never worked in retail or run a cash register before... so I was slightly nervous starting out at Macy's. Its not the fact of being new at something, but the fact that someone might be hovering over me critiquing every move I make. The night before my first shift, I was like ah, I could get a snobby, preppy girl who looks down her nose at every question I ask!! and oh, no! what if the manager trains me and wonders why on earth I was hired!

Thankfully, I prayed about it.. prayed that I would survive whatever happened but hopefully it wouldn't be too embarrassing.. haha.

Walking into the children's department the next morning, I saw that I was working with an Asian woman (20s-30s). She was really friendly and not snobby or intimidating at all! I was super thankful that I could ask questions and feel completely comfortable.

A bit into the shift, she pulled up her name on the computer to look up her sales goal.. I glanced over.. Bahler. What? Her last name is Bahler?!

She married my 4th cousin (it turns out)! We talked about all the Bahlers we were both familiar with.. and she knew a lot!

Bahlers.. they just have this distinct nose!
(I'm guessing she was referring to Grandpa's Bahler nose :)

So there I was.. not just provided for.. over-provided for. A reminder that you can ask for small things, and God will show you He can provide for so much more than small things.


Daveana said...

Thanks for sharing this story! It's a great reminder about praying for the small things.

Christen Leigh said...

Ha that is awesome! :)

I hope you're doing great!