Thursday, April 12

agh me

I just watched an episode of the Biggest Loser where Michelle Obama told one of the contestants a line something like this "you deserve the best in life.. all the happiness in the world!"

Wait.. what? Why do we hear this and believe it? Why do we find ourselves saying it? Are we liars?

Cause, honestly, the truth is "you deserve death"

And, I'm not saying this to be morbid. I'm saying this as a reminder to count my blessings. I get so caught up in the mindset that things going right is the norm, getting my way is the norm.

No. Things going wrong should be the norm. A bad day should be typical.

Do we even realize how blessed we are?

I don't deserve anything.... yet I've come to expect so much.


Daveana said...

Good Thoughts! What a great reminder!