Tuesday, February 24

:) woeful

I regret to say that all my grades have been horrible lately!.. each exam grade 2 letters lower than it should've been!! (the econ exam too, Christen, so.. so.. bad!) and with this thought, I must bid a farewell to Study Clan, Study Group, and Study Mass. I think I'm back to Study Club, and Study Club alone. I'm really trying to remain optimistic about the situation.... even though I'm really scared that my comeback won't be as uplifting and powerful as it needs to be! In times like these, I can't help but remember High School... the days of getting A's without opening a textbook (maybe a mere exaggeration). I think the problem is that I never had to study so I never learned how.. and it really takes a lot of self-discipline.

Other than my grades, I'm so excited for the warm days every now and again (and I honestly hated it when I heard people talk about the weather.. but I think I'm getting old enough now to appreciate warm weather!). Its amazing to walk to class without worrying about my nose freezing off! ... plus I often park and/or walk along Marstellar St to classes... meaning that I get to say "hey" or chat to many enjoyable individuals :) soooooo groooood.. great and good.. together! (for homestarrunner fans)

Overall, I guess I am worried about my grades but hopeful that I'll turn them around. Admist my failures, I'm looking forward to the rest of this week! (and semester, but I don't want to say that... I don't want the goodness to tick away any faster :)


Daveana said...

There was a much needed end to study clan, group, mass. There wasn't much studying going on, but atleast we can still enjoy Study Club together! :) One of these days I'll update. I promise! :0)