Sunday, September 20


18 credits.. I think it's going to get overwhelming at times! but, I think I'll share a little bit about my current classes. It's something Katelyn did.. and I thought it looked fun :)

Communications 102 - Intro to Com Theory
Mostly an introductory course as the title states... it's really not too exciting. I show up, listen, and tap in quiz answers with my clicker. It's mostly theories.. a lot of theories. We get to be more interactive in the recitation part by doing things like:
  • creating a theory and then heading outside to observe people to see whether our theory is correct or not
  • trying to persuade a guy to go on a date when the guy is dead set on saying no (I wasn't one of the persuaders.. just a sideline observer.. thankfully)
Overall, not my favorite class.. but not that bad as a Com Pre-Req.

Communications 250 - Mass Com and Society
Oh my.. it's one of those classes where the teacher just reads of the slides (practically). I sit up front most of the time to keep myself from walking out in boredom! But, I feel so bad for the guy.. cause.. hardly anyone shows up to his class. So hopefully showing up every day will somehow help my grade.. if.. I can keep myself focused on the lecture!

History 354 - American Women to 1870 - Honors
I needed an elective in a certain Liberal Arts section, and this class was open.. well, the honors part was. So I decided to go for it. Ends up, the honors students just have to write a longer paper than the regular class.. shouldn't be too terrible. I've learned that pretty much everything we know about Pocahontas is a myth, more women were accused and punished for being witches, and so on.. pretty much.. lots about women.. ha..

History 351 - Second World War
I think this is going to be difficult.. it's taught in the way I always thought college would be. No attendance. No quizzes. 3 exams. However, this is stressful as there's really no structure to the notes at times! I have no idea what the exams will consist of... and when I do catch important names the Prof is saying.. I have no idea how to spell them (yay for Germans and Japanese in the Second World War)...

FN 303 - Essentials of Nutrition
This class is interesting.. but reassures me that I wasn't supposed to be a nurse.. we're learning about the digestive system and what the body needs. Being brought up in a (super) healthy family (compared to most Americans, I think), I tend to disagree with the health guidelines.. such as, there's no way an allowed sugar amount should be equal to 5+ cans of soda per day!

Philosophy 111 - Ethics
It's been awhile since I intently listened to an instructor.. philosophers sought/seek wisdom. I am in awe of the amount of wisdom that my instructor has.. and he's only 23! And I know that wisdom alone is not enough. But, it would be amazing to have that wisdom and logically persuade people to the point where they'd have no argument. I guess philosophy is about thinking extremely.. to the point where you speak only of the most important things. You stop speaking of the little things that bother you.. they're not worth it. Your whole purpose is to focus. We've been reading The Republic by Plato. I don't agree with everything Plato says.. but some of it is so, so true. It makes me wonder what Plato would've written if he had lived to see (or meet) Christ. I wonder if his perspective would've switched. I wonder if he would've solved the puzzle of life.

and that's all!
I should probably study some now.. I'm hoping for some exciting grades.. hopefully!