Thursday, May 19

How about a date?

Well, here I am at Getty Images again. Let me type my word in and search for a great blogging picture... Ahhh, pruning.......
Wait.. a second. Let me clarify this search. There. Now we have it! Ahhhhhhhhh.... prunes.
I have to say that I have some fond memories of prunes. Before crossing the border from Arizona into Mexico, Kaitlin, Janessa and I would usually buy our stash of prunes at the Walmart stop. And, let me tell you, something only has to be done twice to make it a tradition! :) After my grand purchase I spent the next hour asking most of the guys, "Would you like a prune?" The typical response of "No!" was countered with my ready, "How about a date?" Heh heh heh. (I owe that one to Grandpa:)

A package of prunes boasts 'better than fresh fruit!' I found a list of health benefits of prunes.... Of course, there's the fiber, but there is also
  • help in cases of anemia
  • slowing in the aging process
  • increasing vitality (energy)
  • blood circulation
  • remedy for a sore throat
  • can prevent cancer
And here I found more praise sung for prunes.

But the point of this post is really just to share my favorite prunes - orange essence prunes by Sunsweet. Soo delicious. They're like eating little morsels of the joy wrapped in oranges (not an amazing description). So, seriously, buy a bag and pop it in the frig (I like them better cold)... and you have the best healthy snack.

Or... bring me some... I'm out.