First, watch this......
Joe Cross realized he needed to make a change in his life as he was struggling with health issues, he was overweight and if he kept living life the way he was living it.. he would be dead! (sounds dramatic, I know) So Joe decided to only drink fresh, unprocessed juice.
With one of these, Breville Juicers, Joe juiced fruits and veggies for 60 days! And 60 days later, he had tons more energy, was off medication, and he lost 74 pounds (thats more than a pound a day). Its pretty incredible! I'll admit, the movie might have made me slightly teary eyed... but it was more so the story that followed Joe's. The last half of the movie included the story of a trucker who had let his life get out of control. He was obese, depressed, sick, and pretty much everything else. I won't tell you what happened in case you decide to watch the movie.... :)
I don't think we realize how much what we put into our body affects our mood. Permanent changes create permanent results so it doesn't work to eat healthy for a week and then expect to feel healthy the next week when you load up on donuts.. but I think we really need to detox and reboot our system at times (although maybe not for 60 days!). And this detox can prepare our body for a permanent change towards health. To do a 60 day reboot, you need a lot of free time and free money. Living on only fruit and vegetables gets expensive.. I'm not even talking organic.
But reboots can be done for 5, 10, 15, 30 or any amount of days. And that's what this website is all about.. starting somewhere.
I've been inspired.
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