Saturday, June 25

Don't Panic

It would be an understatement to say I'm overwhelmed... but then, overwhelmed is a pretty big word so it might cover it. I'm not sure why the uncertainty, confusion and stress didn't hit me until lately. I guess I just postponed it until now.

For some reason I didn't foresee that I would have so many options of what to do with my life. I guess I just expected someone to fan out a handful of cards and I would pick my career, salary, house.... (played Life recently).....

Start somewhere. It sounds simple. But honestly, theres thousands of options of where to start and I have no clue which direction or plan to pursue. I may have just selected Don't Panic by Coldplay on iTunes. Ha.

We just have all this pressure to have a career, make money, write out a 5 year plan. Or at least, I feel a lot of pressure and its not just sinuses overflowing in my head (but that is happening too). Seriously, if one more person asks me what I'm doing with my life......


Daveana said...

So, What are going to do with your life? I just kid! I understand the pressure. For the past 4 year, I had no idea what I wanted to do, and I felt like I should have had it all figured out then, but it doesn't always work that way.

I just figured my 5 year plan out because someone kept asking me. Take your time. These kinds of things are important, but you should never feel pressured to make a decision.

Love you lots girl!